General FAQ

Kevin Urrutia

Last Update 5 mesi fa

Do "warming" emails count towards the total a sending email account can send?

No, the email warming count is separate from the calendar email count. For example, if your calendar is set to send 25 emails a day and email warming is set to send 30 a day, we will send a total of 55 emails.

Once the daily limit is hit, will it stop sending emails?

We recommend keeping the warming process ongoing to maintain a good response rate. However, we suggest limiting the total daily emails to 400-500 for highly personalized campaigns to avoid potential banning or spam folder issues. For scaling up, consider adding more email accounts rather than increasing the limit on existing ones.

How are emails distributed if I choose a sending email address for multiple campaigns?

When you select multiple emails to send from, we evenly distribute the emails to each account. For example, if you have 30 contacts and select three sending emails, each email will send to 10 contacts.

Can I increase the total sending allowed number on a sending email mid-campaign?

At the moment, you cannot increase the amount sent per campaign after it has been set.

Can I run several different campaigns using the same sending emails?

Yes, you can run several different campaigns using the same sending email account. Our system will allocate available sending slots across your campaigns.

How does the system handle multiple campaigns for the same sending email?

If a sending email account has remaining capacity after allocating emails for one campaign, it will use those available slots for other campaigns. For example, if an account is set to send 30 emails a day and uses 10 for one campaign, it will have 20 slots available for other campaigns on the same day.

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